Steven Oo, an alum who showcased his spiky structured knitwear earlier this year at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week had his...
Name: Steven Oo Major: MFA Fashion and Knitwear Design Birthplace: Yangon, Myanmar Materials: merino wool Inspiration: The lines of Italian...
Photo credit: Danny Roberts stopped by our show and immediately snagged our newest issue of One Eighty – which...
As the hours passed before the big show, members of the press came trickling in one by one… Sabah has...
The people at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week posted a nicely packaged video of our show complete with a snazzy introduction: Stay...
Model wearing knitwear designs by Steven Oo (right). Photo courtesy of FantasticsMag by Jeff Kirk. Attention School of Fashion students...
Designers from left: Sabah, Steven, Nicky, Naomi, Bethany and Marina (Photo credit: The designers stand proudly with their models...
AnnouncementsArtDesignersEventsFashionFashion JournalismMFA StudentsNewsNY Fashion Week 2008Press BookSan FranciscoStyle
·Suzy Menkes, fashion editor of the International Herald Tribune and a one-time guest of the school, gave our show a...
The School of Fashion has announced the designers showing in New York for Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week. This month, Hyo Sun...
Kristy Siefkin from the School of Multimedia Communications (under the tutelage of director Jan Yanehiro) paid a visit to our...
Steven Oo was born in Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) and lived in Singapore from age 13-15, until his family immigrated to...