BFA Menswear Design student Ben Ellis is an artist and adventurer, a free spirit with a diverse skill set who...
Degree: MFA Fashion Design Contact: Email Graduation Year: 2021 Anna’s spring show submission displays the collections that completed her thesis...
Be sure to pick up a copy of 180 Magazine, the 10 Years of NYFW issue! Copies are now available...
Photos by Randy Brooke Kyung Min Kim, Textiles and Fashion Design – Kyung Min premiered her textile work during New...
Very few fashion stylists can say they’ve worked on set for the likes of Porter Magazine, ELLE, and the San...
When did you launch your eponymous collection? February 2011 in Seattle, WA Tell us about collection. I design a collection...
Spring is just around the corner! And with it comes the return of on-campus learning. In addition to online classes,...
Sophie Cheng, BFA Fashion Design, was born and raised in Hong Kong. During her time at the Academy of Art University Sophie...
Introducing fashion designer, merchandiser and buyer Konstantina Tzovolou! Konstantina was raised in Greece, where she continuously explored the idea of...
Stephanie Michelle Hendrawan and Pitzy Villagomez Ortega, both came from different sides of the world and study different majors at...
BFA StudentsCFDADesignersFashionInspirationInterviewsJobsMFA StudentsSan FranciscoSF Fashion Show 2010SF Fashion Show 2014Student SpotlightStyleTextile DesignTextiles
·There are many people that require dedicated effort to hone their talents. This commonality reigns true for so many, and...
On January 7th, four School of Fashion Merchandising students were honored at the annual YMA Fashion Scholarship Fund (FSF) Geoffrey Beene National...