Welcome back from Spring Break! Fashion School Daily hopes everyone had a wonderful time. As April days unfold towards the end of semester, some might start planning their summer getaways and/or internships. Remember this: it’s healthy to take a break from the fast pace of studies or work to enjoy a few events that nurture the creative visionary within!
For the past two years, students from the School of Fashion have been encouraged to participate in Joy & Mario International Design Competition, an esteemed contest created by Los Angeles-based footwear brand. Fashion School Daily congratulates winners Bridget Tyrrell, B.F.A. textile design and Natalya Sheveleva Robinson, B.F.A. knitwear design whose work is now available for sale at Shop657!
For Fashion Journalism students Dwaine Hill, Marisa Tania, Brianna Wooten, and Faye Harris, pursuing a higher education at Academy of Art University has been a fundamental stepping stone on their journeys toward becoming the next generation of successful fashion journalism and social media professionals.