It’s amazing to think that Wonderland SF, one of our favorite shop/galleries in the city, has only been around two...
19 results for
wonderland SF
Wonderland SF Gallery’s new exhibition: White + Monochrome and Color, opens this Friday, October 21. The reception is from 6...
On Friday June 3, our friends at WonderlandSF will be celebrating their one year anniversary. Irene Hernandez-Feiks and her hip...
Our friends at Wonderland SF are hosting a swanky exhibit on Thursday called “Entre Suenos” which features work by Charmaine...
Today, the Wonderland SF Gallery opens their doors for new art exhibit, but if you can’t make it tonight, make...
Science, culture and fashion merged under the same roof at Fall Fashion Nightlife, the California Academy of Sciences version of...
Wonderland SF Owner Irene Hernandez-Feiks at a Chillin’ Productions Event. Photo Courtesy of Lance Iversen. Irene Hernandez-Feiks has worked with...
Imagine the task. Design a collection for a revered brand to be presented at an iconic venue featuring a celebrity with a cult following. Now, make that your global debut. No pressure. Academy alumna Jenny Swank Krasteva rose to the challenge as Senior Head of Creative of HUGO Woman at Hugo Boss.
It's Academy Award Season and we're eagerly awaiting Costume Design nominations! Meet this year’s class of inspiring designers who can bring any epoch or culture to life with their styling choices.
Academy of Art University alumnus Josh Burden, visual merchandiser for H&M, shares his advice on how to shut down the party without breaking the bank.
Shop657 to host WHICHKIM trunk show featuring designs from alumna Dahae Kim this Saturday. Stop by from 12pm - 6pm to see other Academy student's and instructor's products as well!
San Francisco, CA, May 13, 2016 — The School of Fashion at Academy of Art University honored Kate and Laura...