As the 2016 Spring Graduation Fashion Show draws closer, we will be profiling the designers who’s looks will grace the runway. We will be sharing insight into what inspired them, their process and the final looks that we will be seeing on May 11th!
Busara Boussard, BFA Fashion Design, was born and raised in Bangkok, Thailand. Her accomplishments include being selected as a winner of the YMA FSF Young Menswear Association Fashion Scholarship Fund in 2015 & 2016. Winning the scholarship in 2015 led her to acquire a summer internship with Ralph Lauren in New York.
For her Spring Graduation Collection, entitled “Rude Locker”, Boussard was influenced by the colors, shapes and architectural details of the EPM Museum in Seattle. She also looked to the uniforms and equipment from the sport of Lacrosse for inspiration. “I manipulated the uniform to develop a new twist on active wear. Each pattern is created from draping the lacrosse top in various orientations, creating different shapes and silhouettes, manipulating the size of the neckline and the armholes.” The colorful collection stands out through its implementation of interesting drapery and color blocking.

What is the best advice you have ever received?
Don’t be afraid to be yourself; don’t let other people try to define you.
What is your favorite memory of being in the School of Fashion?
Receiving an email from Gary about being selected to participate in the Spring Graduation Fashion Show.
What is playing on your iPod?
MAMAMOO – You’re the best
Nick Jonas – Close
4Minute – Hate
Eirin Midtskogseter, BFA Jewelry and Metal Arts, was born in Norway. On top of pursuing her degree in Metal Arts she has attained a Bachelors degree in Teacher Training in Art and Design, which she received in 2013.
Midtskogseter’s jewelry designs were featured in the 2015 University wide Spring Show exhibition which showcases all areas of study, her designs placed third for the School of Jewelry and Metal Arts. For her Graduation Fashion Show collection Eirin collaborated with BFA Fashion Design major Busara Boussard. The starting point for her jewelry designs began with understanding the overall aesthetic goal of the clothing. “After understanding Busara’s vision for the collection I asked myself, what if jewelry protected you against physical pain? To me, the strongest bond is created through combining opposites and working out how two materials can lift each other.”

Midtskogseter took a turn from her usual design aesthetic by turning her attention to sportswear. “I tend to take small textures and shapes I see in everyday life and emphasize it. It was when I started looking at a lacrosse stick that I found this tension and movement taking form within a plastic frame. The rope has a completely different value before it is stretched and used within a shape. I wanted to expand on this in my pieces.”

She created pieces that transcend traditional jewelry such as shoulder jewelry and a full arm showstopper that go hand in hand with Boussard’s clothing. “My pieces are frame works blocking out parts of the body, within the metal framework are open and closed patterns of knitted rubber cord. The rubber texture decides how much the body is exposed or protected. At a glance, the pieces come across as protective, in the lines of an armor, but when you look closer the material has a softness and femininity to it. The use of white rubber cord gives a minimalistic quality to an elaborate and bold shape.”

What advice would you give students who want to do collection?
You work better and more efficiently if you include sleep in your schedule.
Ignoring the cost, what [item of clothing / bag / designer] would you buy right now?
Robert Clergerie multicolored flash oxford shoes
Which talent would you most like to have?
I would like to have a photographic memory.
Written by Samantha Rathman.