Coco Chanel, Anna Piaggi, and Dior’s new look are just some of the topics that the new class FSH 313...
AnnouncementsArtBFA StudentsFashionInstruct/InfluenceInstructorsLectureSan FranciscoTextile DesignTextiles
·The School of Fashion presents a new textile class this upcoming Fall! Offered online only, FSH 294: Textile Printing for Product, will be...
Amy Bond was born in Pocatello, Idaho, and grew up in Texas, Illinois, & Pennsylvania. She graduated from Stephens College...
The School of Fashion is introducing a new online class for Spring 2012: FSH 499 OL Special Topics: Introduction to...
It takes a village (to create a “smock” look): Simon Ungless chose the smock. Serita Sangimino styled the smock. Zoe...