Robert Haven doesn’t ‘bead’ around the bush

This summer session, Robert Haven was the designer in residence teaching decorative tambour beading – and the students took what he taught and ran with it.

From spiders to intricate birds to ornate accessories, Haven jokingly says “it’s not fair for these students to be this good.” He also points out that one knitwear student, Christina Cundari started beading suede – which is something that a novice doesn’t necessarily do right out of the gate.

“Tambour beading is a rare art and there aren’t that many people who do it anymore,” says Haven, who has been showcased at the Montana World of WearableArtâ„¢ Awards Show in New Zealand and currently works as a costumer at the University of Kentucky. I think that it is an important technique that many fashion designers need to know.”


Haven’s “Flight of Fantasy” piece from WOW

Haven said that many of the students’ work runs in the same vein as the style of Lesage Couture Embrodiery – and if that’s not a compliment, I don’t know what is.

Check out the slideshow of the pieces our students made…