Greetings online students as we begin the second half of the Fall semester.
It is wonderful to hear your stories and I enjoyed meeting a number of you who came to our fashion show in New York last September.

On Fashion School Daily, last Friday we heard from Emily Amorello, from Dubai U.A.E.; next Friday you can read about Dania Richardson, from Sicklerville, NJ.
And that’s the point. The world is at our feet in terms of online studies and blogs. There are no boundaries, there is no waiting for the postman. It is wonderful.
Follow the jump to read more.
Looking ahead, East and West, many time zones away:
On October 29th there will be an Online Student + Alumni Meet and Greet in New York.
On November 5th, an online Student + Alumni Meet and Greet and an Urban Knights Women’s Volleyball game in Honolulu.
Looking back, on our longitude, in California:
We had two recent events in Los Angeles: On Saturday, October 16th in Long Beach aboard the Queen Mary and on Sunday, October 17th in Palm Springs at the Riviera Resort.
School of Fashion Drawing Coordinator Carol Nunnelly offered a Fashion Illustration Workshop, with live models in costume. She trucked down supplies including model stands and drawing horse benches.
Online fashion students also had the opportunity to meet the alumnus Noah Landis (2006 BFA Men’s Wear Design who has his own men’s wear line called Kent Denim).
And the best part is, when not visiting New York or Los Angeles or Honolulu, an online student can complete a degree in pajamas.
Enjoy the photographs!
Written by: Gladys Perint Palmer
Click here to read more of “Picture This” by GPP