The Kalla Chronicles: Meet the Moulthrops

I grew up in a log house on a river with wood-burning fireplaces. In high school, I took a basket making class that involved cutting a black ash tree from my school’s estate. I pounded it with a rubber sledgehammer for days until the rings fell off. Then I sliced, peeled, and wove the tree into decorative baskets. As a result, I’m typically less than impressed with all things made from trees.

That being said, I was a bit skeptical when I heard Gumps (my all-time favorite place to create a mental gift registry for the day when I wake up a grown-up) was hosting a party for some wood vessels.

The party featured Philip and Matt Moulthrop and I thought, “Are they famous? Gosh, I hope not too famous. I’m already stalking Tippi Hedren on View From the Bay this week. Can’t meet too many important people in too little time.”


A vessel by the Moulthrops.

Okay — I knew the Moulthrops were a little famous. But I failed to realize (in my years of dismissing all things made of wood) that the Moulthrops are actually iconic.

I headed to Gumps, where I received my education in all things Moulthrop and glamorous wooden things that were created by the Moulthrops for three generations. I favored the more colorful ones. I learned the colors and patterns in the woodturnings actually develop as the wood starts to decay. I also learned that wooden things are okay. Actually, I learned that wooden things are gorgeous.

Written by: Kalla Vieaux

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